Beautiful sparks.

1 year ago

Beautiful sparks.

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Category: Suspense Fiction

Title of the novel:

Heavenly Book of Grave Robbery

Introduction to the novel:
People die for money and birds die for food. Mysterious ancient tombs, legendary treasures, deadly incantations, intelligent grave robberies and anti-grave robberies, Zhang Fan's grandfather was once famous, but why did he die in the tomb strangely. Zhang Fan, who did not believe in gods and ghosts, experienced so many strange events in the face of the nameless book of gods and ghosts. In order to solve the mystery, Zhang Fan embarked on a journey full of hardships and excitement. Similarly, this is also a.. The point of no return. A legend has been passed down through the ages that a woman in white can live forever.

Chapter II Cangshan Ancient Tomb

However, some little messengers saw our big bags and small bags. They thought they were also here. I wanted to pit some money, but after I heard that Uncle Hui said where he wanted to go to the place, he left with a strange look.But I think it is more appropriate to escape.Originally, Dashan wanted to pull a strong one casually, and was stopped by Uncle Hui, and Dashan was not a fool. He thought of everyone's identity, knew that it was not advisable, and there was no big movement.It doesn't seem to be much surprised.

Finally, under the temptation of paying a lot of money, a young man came, Agu, who did not seem to come for money.

"Uncle Hui, to tell you the truth, you don't look like tourists." Agu led the way and did not forget to say, "It looks like those archaeologists." Simple and honest, he didn't notice the flash of murder on Uncle Hui's face when he heard his words, but the words behind him made Uncle Hui smile faintly.

"Oh, Brother Agu, how can we be archeological, but you, you can't see that you are so familiar with this." The crowd followed Agu, listening to the two of them chatting, but seemed to have something in our hearts.

"Uncle Hui, you are the people in the big city. Of course, you will not know the danger here. I also do this on the ancestor. I am familiar with it. I dare to take you up the mountain. There were some people who were almost dressed as you.I was young when you were traveling. I only knew that after those people went in, they never came out, so the folks saw you dressed up to avoid you. "

"Oh, people have been in the mountains before?" Uncle Hui seemed to have heard a topic of interest, and his eyes flashed, but no one noticed it.

"Yeah, it's about ten years ago. I was not sensible. At that time, five or six people in the village came. The dress was similar to you, and the shot was very generous, so ... saying here, Agu seemed to have recalled, what did Agu remember?Talking also paused.

"So what?" It was Dashan who asked this question. He was the most impatient, and of course he couldn't help being curious.

"Hearing the rough questioning of Dashan, thinking of his old body in association, Agu returned from his memories and continued:" So, my grandfather found them, took them into the mountain, I did n’t come out later, all of the people in it disappeared."Agu said here, there is already a water mist in his eyes. Thinking of his only relative is grandpa, but he disappeared inexplicably. Of course, he felt heartache.

"Missing, missing again. Is it true that the disappearance of my parents and uncles has something to do with grave robbery?"

"Everyone must be careful. Our current position is the position of Cangshan Mountain, which is dangerous in it. We must keep up with me, otherwise I can't guarantee everyone’s safety. At this time, even if Agu is in the same thing, we know that we are not in the same thing that we are not.Simple tourists, because no tourist will enter this kind of old forest. He guessed some of our identities, and he gradually had fewer words. We did not talk to him.
Zhang Shan and Zhang Hai are not among the team. They claim to "touch the golden four saints" naturally. Naturally, as long as someone takes them into it, it will be much easier to find a dragon and exploration. Sure enough, the two leave.It didn't take long to come back, and I saw Zhang Shan's ears muttered with Uncle Hui, and Uncle Hui showed a satisfactory look: "Brother Agu, here is deep enough. Let's go back.It's. "

"Go back?" Agu was surprised for a moment and then recovered his expression: "Well, it's dangerous when it gets dark here. Let's go back."

At 9 pm, in the old house of Agu family, everyone was excited.Zhang Shan and Zhanghai are the most unbearable. Obviously, they have found the destination in Uncle Hui's mouth, which represents what, wealth, huge wealth.The red lady is also a look of joy. Only the "Lu brother" is still in the corner, expressionless.The three of us did not intervene, because we know that their identities and what we are doing is not what we can understand at all.

"Everybody, tonight at ten o'clock, let's go." Uncle Hui's representativeness determines the time of action.

"That Agu is a little suspicious. Should we solve it first?"
"Shit, he's the one who leads the way. He's lonely. You're a vicious bitch." Hearing Hongluan's words, Dashan was excited.

"Bear, how dare you say it again!"


"Call it again!"

"Bitch!" Dashan was not afraid of Hong Luan, who was already trembling because of his shortness of breath. His face was full of s sè, and he obviously did not consider what his future fate would be.

Uncle Hui reached out to stop the red crickets who were about to prepare the mountains, and changed a light smile, strictly said: "I don't want to have a branch outside before, Agu, don't care about him.Seven days, I must do it for me. "

In the evening, at ten o'clock, it was the same mountain in the afternoon. The difference was that we were in a mountain wall facing a small river.

"Are you sure here?" With the glorious uncle of the flashlight looking at the stone wall in front of him, he couldn't help but be speechless. How did those ancient people built the tomb in such a place for the body's body without being violated.

"No, the tomb construction is extremely complicated. We also judge the approximate location through the terrain and Feng Shui. From here, we should enter the partial room or the tomb.The confident Zhangshan brothers also admired a little, and found this place, or the ancestral method.

"This tomb is definitely not simple, waste had better consider whether to go in to die!"

When I heard this voice, I knew who it was, but I didn't think he would say this. Although it was full of threats, I could think about it.I couldn't help looking at him again, he was still like the iceberg.If someone else said this, I believe that Dashan has rushed up, but at this time Dashan was silent, after all, he was not talking.Only Zhang Xiao, still the indifferent look, but the more he felt like this, the more I felt he was mysterious.

In the face of the irony of the iceberg, Uncle Hui also laughed, as if he had not heard, after all, the three of us were brought by him. Think of the identity of the iceberg, what can he do?

"Zhang Shan, you are good at this. Do it." Uncle Hui explained.

The two brothers did not do much nonsense. Sure enough, in the hands of the two brothers, Luoyang shovel played the biggest effect. A stolen hole appeared in front of me.Inexplicablely, looking at the endless darkness inside, I know that as long as you go in, you may lose your life at any time. But, do you still choose now?

The moment the iceberg came out of theft, his eyes froze, and then wearing a anti -virus mask (a flashlight on the top of the anti -virus mask) did not hesitate to drill in.I also got in, and in the end, only we and Uncle Hui were left, and no one spoke.I knew that things were not easy, but I didn't expect to evolve like this. At this time, my heart was also mixed.But Uncle Hui looked at theft hole, his eyes were weird,
I don't know what I was thinking, and finally glanced at me, and sighed: "Be careful." Then I got in.

"Grass, these people are too arrogant. Lu Han, be careful." Dashan pretended to say that he also went in.
"Lu Han, have you decided?" Zhang Xiao seems to know something, at this time put away does not matter, more than ever strict s sù.

"Can I decide?" I don't know if I answered Zhang Xiao or talking to myself.Seeing me like this, Zhang Xiao went in.In the end, only I was standing outside theft.Feel the inexplicable sense of familiarity and think about everyone's attitude towards me. Is this qiē really outsiders?

Anyway, I can't get back.At this point, all eight people in this trip went into the tomb. There was no one outside the cave, as if nothing happened, but the eye -catching wall hole was stating that the secret that was silent for a long time was being revealed.

The quiet night, the roaring cold wind, the eye -catching wall hole, the six people who disappeared ten years ago, will the eight people now enter the same fate? What mysteries are hidden in the Cangshan ancient castle? Is this the cemetery of others, or is it?IntersectionIntersectionTheir cemetery, entered inside, is blessing or scourge. What is waiting for them?In the dark, I saw a figure flashing, standing in the cave for a few seconds, and then suddenly followed everyone into the cave.
End of Chapter II

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