Ep. 5305 – Ryan Dawson on Cancel Culture, Police Reform and the War on Drugs – 7/10/2020

4 years ago

Scott talks to Ryan Dawson about cancel culture and the latest wave of deplatforming, of which Dawson himself is a victim. Dawson, who spends much of his time fighting against the neoconservative ideology, has come under fire over and over again for the alleged thought crimes of racism and anti-semitism. In reality, of course, Dawson is the furthest thing from a racist, having devoted much of his life to advocating things like police reform and the abolition of the war on drugs. But he has also been staunchly antiwar, and that has helped to earn him some vocal enemies. Scott and Dawson go on to discuss the Marxist roots of Black Lives Matter, the history of slavery, the economies of Africa and skateboarding as a force for social good.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/7-10-20-ryan-dawson-on-cancel-culture-police-reform-and-the-war-on-drugs/

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