Return to Rapture Chapter 2 Part 1

1 year ago

Due to having problems with a prior video I made the frame went off center.
I noticed it after making this one and the one after this plus a prior video.

Since this is so long I can't do it again - sorry for the mistake.

Addon by the team of Drunkard, Comessatorem, generic_icon, rswaims, wim.buytaert.1988, hhawk2000 and ScarJack

Return to Rapture Chapter 2 is a visual treat.
The visuals are fantastic.

But I had problems playing it as it would crash or other mishaps would take place.

The elevator for example - move a little and you die.
Two times my hand or hands disappeared.
Maybe this was due to my playing the ones I subscribed to when it was first released.
Maybe I should have resubscribed to all of the addons for it.

There are many new weapons which I found mostly not useful.
The ability to throw fire from your hand is the only one I did like.
The problems I find with these new weapons like the sticky bomb launcher is you have to take time to learn them.
Also letting them go is not something one is used to doing as to a first time player will be confused.
And in the middle of battle this is a problem.
The enemy is fast and does not want to give you any time.

Other than these grips it is a lot of fun to play and is really very very very long.
This is part 1 which is 3 hours and 44 mins.
About 14 hours to complete this addon

I am not sure what the problem is as to why it will crash on some addons.
It maybe the video card which is a rtx 2060
Will know later this week as I managed to get a RTX 3070 ti and will see if this is the problem.

The only problem I see with the 2060 is 6 gig is not enough.
Running Alyx just about uses it all.

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