Healthcare Debate: Scandinavian Healthcare System—Debunking A Skeptical Human Part 1

3 years ago

In this first part covering the healthcare debate debunking @A Skeptical Human on the Scandinavian healthcare system. His own video was in response on @StevenCrowder's healthcare argument.

There is a lot I left out and will leave for a separate part, such as addressing why the American healthcare system is so inefficient, problematic and overly costly and will be doing a remake of the healthcare costs. I briefly addressed the point that the American main healthcare market is anti-capitalist, therefore, is not free market and that currently in the United States there is the Direct Primary Care model, which is based off the free market model of healthcare.

In this part I address mostly on the Scandinavian healthcare system as you will hear a lot about public ownership or "Universal healthcare" so to speak. This doesn't look at the bigger picture, especially the problems these countries are facing as a result of government ownership of healthcare.

Being from Britain, born and raised in Scotland, into a healthcare system known as the NHS that was widely touted as the 'greatest healthcare system in the world,' I can safely tell you that opinion surveys are meaningless. What I cut down on in this video was much of my explanation as I felt it would be too long.

To elaborate on my position, I have known countless people to contradict themselves where in a heartfelt discussion with strangers they'll speak of the bad and how they're still waiting for their doctors appointment all the problems with the NHS, but as soon as it comes to defending it, they contradict themselves.

I have watched these people literally brush the failure right under the carpet merely to excuse it and when you confront them on it and force them into a concession where they admit it is failing, they then come up with all the excuses. The point being, people's opinion stated in survey's and polls, etc are never honest. There is a large loud majority in Britain today who live in this phase of denial and the same response is always brought up that it is all the "evil Tories fault" for the NHS failing.

This is no different to those other countries he mentioned, such as the Scandinavian countries. I also addressed the Scandinavian socialism myth and the damaging impact of their welfare policies, after all, it is those policies which are harming their economies. Finland being the prime example, there's always a price to pay for such things.

I did address that @A Skeptical Human did mention about taxes being used, so he does acknowledge this fact, but another thing I cut out was information of where else government takes from. I felt the brief examples I gave were suffice enough, but in short, the government cannot give to you without taking from another first, which it ends up greatly increasing your costs of living, destroying employment opportunity, productivity and so much more all in the name of paying for the free stuff.

This all correlates to the Broken Window Fallacy which I feel I could make a much improved video on that topic issue soon enough.

You can check out A Skeptical Human's original video on healthcare in response on @StevenCrowder's video here:

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