1 year ago

On June 21, 2022, the Sierra Nevada Brewery in Chico, California hosted the Butte County Public Health Department for a COVID-19 Community Vaccination Clinic. Pop-up Mobile Community clinics became a popular tool for the Butte County Public Health Department as the citizens vaccination % had "flat-lined" at approx. 55% overall.

No matter what the Department, or media, or hospital administrators said or did, citizens of Butte County are smarter than these controlling class only focused on one thing: compliance with a socialist agenda. Anything less than results in an explosion of social justice bully's that take it upon themselves to push, pull, mock, dox the non-compliant freedom fighters into compliance. OR they deploy little programs like this one to pat themselves on the back for doing everything in support of the cause, but not too much where their reputations or bottom line would take a hit. SIERRA NEVADA BREWERY HOSTING A COVID-19 VACCINATION CLINIC ON JUNEI 21, 2022 FROM 11 am - 2 pm IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE.

There is absolutely no emergency need for a climic inside the brewery upstairs in a ballroom overlooking the lobby gift shop. ZERO need. It wasn't for employees. It wasn't even heavily advertised. Actually, it wasn;t advertised at all. I go through the Butte County Public Health website at least weekly to see what bonehead policies or changes Danette York has made. Most of the time they are changes from the State which I do not hold her accountable for. I realize she reports to the CDPH. BUTI DO HOLD HER ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL LOCAL PROGRAMS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW . These are programs and decicisios made by her Department. Was it required by State law to have a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the Butte County Fair over Memorial Day weekend? ABSOLUTELY NOT. She will say "we need to get vaccinations out TO the people. Meet them where they are: bullshit. WE ARE ADULTS AND WE CAN GET TO YOU DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. UNLESS WE ASK, YOU DO NOT NEED TO PUSH YOURSELF ON THE PEOPLE. AND THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

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