S1E39 You CAN Can: A Beginner's Guide To Home CanningS1E39

3 years ago

Just like we have seen an interest in people gardening and raising their own meat, lately there has been an increase in the number of people wanting to learn how to can. But, some people find this to be a daunting task. In fact, I know several people who have a pressure canner sitting in a closet because they are too afraid to try it.

So, if you’re one of those people (new to canning or too afraid to try), my goal is to help you get started. I’ve said I’m not an expert in many things. And maybe I'm not an expert here either. But, this is an area where I do have quite a bit of experience. I’ve been doing this for 14 years and have literally canned thousands of jars of food.

So. on this episode we talk about the two different methods of canning that are approved for home food preservation; water bath canning and pressure canning. We talk about how they are the same and how they are different. We discuss the ways that you would apply the two methods.

We also delve into some of the reasons why I think people avoid pressure canning in favor of hot water bath canning. And I share why I think they are wrong. We also talk quite a bit about botulism; what it is, how it multiplies and what you can do to avoid having it in your canned goods. Much of that information comes from this website.

Finally, we talk about some common sense things people can do to ensure that they are canning safely.

Here is a link to the National Center for Home Food Preservation
Here is a link to the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving (affiliate link)
Here is a link to the Presto Canner I mention.


We are a small family farmstead in upstate NY. We raise American Guinea Hogs, meat "mutt" rabbits and a variety of heritage chickens. We also have started raising Cornish Cross broilers.

We have a large garden comprised f raised beds and do a lot of canning and freezing of vegetables. We also do some fermentation as a means of food preservation and introducing natural probiotics into our diet. This YouTube channel is dedicated to our journey towards a more sustainable, healthy and wholesome lifestyle. Who knows what we might try next??!!!!!

Visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/3BFarmNY/

music by audionautix.com

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