Operation: Spread Flat Earth Truth

2 years ago

Note: This video was originally uploaded in 2016.

At the moment, just like every other 4 years, the gullible masses are being corralled and duped by the Jewish Freemasonic mafia puppet-show known as U.S. elections into voting for one of two equally-terrible long ago bought and paid for politicians, thinking their ceremonial tick at the ballot box is the epitome of effective political activism for members of the so-called “free” world. In reality, however, a cursory look into the electoral college, voting fraud, and the process of candidacy will reveal the dismal truth and make it abundantly clear, that your ability to tick a box once every four years, has absolutely no effect over who rules and who makes the rules. Presidents are puppets while the true rulers rule from behind the scenes through coercion, manipulation, deception, bribery, blackmail, forgery, murder, war and other unsavory methods in operations never disclosed to the sheepish public. The real rulers are those who control our monetary system and the mainstream media. A tiny handful of people made up mostly of Jews, Freemasons, and Jewish Freemasons, run and control the vast majority of the world’s banks and media. Spreading awareness of this one fact alone, and make no mistake it is an easily verifiable and proven fact, is more important, relevant, and catalytic to bringing about real positive political change than every ballot box you have ever ticked.


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