The greatest commandment is Love

1 year ago

2 John 1:5-6, Walk in Love

Have you ever known someone who had a topic that always seemed to be on their mine? Every time you run into them, they wanted to talk about the same things because it is what they are passionate about and obviously what they are always thinking about. I have known people who are always talking about sports, others it always about work, and you have some that are consumed with their favorite television shows or series. The more we read the writings of the Apostle John the more I think he had a favorite topic as well because it shows up in all his writings. That topic is love and how we should show it to everyone around us. In verses 5 and 6 John echoes what he wrote in his first epistle and tells the recipient that we are to love one another and to do so by keeping the commandments of God. Love wasn’t a word that John threw around loosely as he believed that love had to be lived out and that we did not love in word but indeed (1 John 3:18).

John learned to love from the best as he walked with Jesus Christ on this earth and seen what true love was, as he watched Jesus administer it freely to everyone. It is interesting that John ties loving others to keeping the commandments of God in our personal lives. John knew that if we truly loved others around us then we would not do anything to harm them or sin against them, so buy keeping the commandments of God we would be showing the world love that they desperately needed. We wouldn’t show hate or anger to someone we love, we wouldn’t steal from someone we love, we would be jealous or covet the things of those we love, and so on and so one. We respect and honor those we will just as we respect and honor our Creator by being obedient to what He has commanded us to do. Obedience is always tied to love just as Jesus Himself said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)

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