BFD Episode #3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis

2 years ago

Anthony Russo sits down with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Chiropractor and researcher that is known as the “Anti Remdesivir Guy” in this episode of Blunt Force Discussion. They talk about holistic health care, the broken medical system and the evil in pharma surrounding the vaccines and newest vaccines.

Dr. Bryan Ardis :

Dr. Ardis originally planned on going to Medical School then saw the complete and utter failures in that system. His newborn had complications that MD’s couldn’t fix and even blamed him as the parent for. He then got into alternative care after they “healed” his child. He practiced for almost 20 years helping thousands of patients heal holistically through chiropractic, acupuncture and healthy supplements.

Since the beginning of the pandemic and after losing a family member due to a Medical Doctor’s negligence and the machine that is modern medicine he took it to himself to research what evils were really being done by Big Pharma. He really started honing in on Remdesivir and the research that doesn’t support its use during CoVID or really anything for that matter.

On top of Dr. Ardis’ massive amount of research and symposiums he’s been on several documentaries and shows from Mike Adams to Stew Peters documentary “Watch the Water.” We talk about how Remdesivir killed people and how there is a very logical tie to Snake Venom, not bats… to CoVID 19 and even the production of Remdesivir.

We talk politics, the presidency, Trump’s failures and where we go from here. It’s a messy situation and we talk conspiracy theories that just seem too plausible to ignore. Anthony and Ardis talked for 2 hours after the show was over, so let’s just assume there will be a sequel to this show soon!

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