Soul Speak #51 (Dec 25/20) Dissociation - Ashamed of our OWN identity, and choosing another name.

2 years ago

#dissociation #dissociativeidentitydisorder #nameofjesus
I wrote this to someone this morning, but it applies to most of us, so just insert your own name into the text ('little Rene') when reading.

There is a 'little Rene' inside of me that's looking out from behind a dim basement window, the place my #littlesoul (inner child) retreated to in #shame on the day I met #religion . "You are so #bad , that an #innocent man had to #die a horrible death for you" - this sent traumatic shock waves through my little soul and 'little Rene' withdrew and hid herself in shame, #dissociating herself from the 'I am' #iam .

Oh, but religion handed me a 'cloak' to wear that would make me feel not quite so #naked and alleviated the pain of my shame a little; it even had a name tag and I thought perhaps I would find my name on it, but it read 'Jesus' instead. Am I really so bad, that my #name is so #unworthy of mention?

I think by now, you get the idea of this post. This 'little Rene' (my inner child soul) has never been acknowledged #acknowledgement in any meaningful way, but has spent nearly 50 years locked away in a proverbial basement, only existing in a dissociative state via someone else's "identity". In clinical terms that is known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. And for #christians this "alter" or alternate identity is known as #christ . (It is no longer I that lives, but Christ lives in me). What does that even mean? I will attempt to explain what it means to me.

This 'little Rene' is the true Christ-child (Son) and needs to be released from the "basement" and integrated as YOUR identity, instead of a dissociative identity we call the Christ. YOU are that Son. And your name should be on the name tag of your robe. (And He calls them {stars/sparks} all by name.)

"Christ" is not the last name of Jesus; but it is the essence that went forth from the Father and into YOU on the day you were spoken into existence.
I realised this morning that the story of Jesus in the #bible is in fact our story. When Jesus said, "your scriptures testify of me" He made that statement about all of us... those scriptures testify of the #human race.

Every single one of us (our infant soul) ends up either murdered through infanticide (Herod's leaven via secular indoctrination) or imprisoned by the leaven of the Pharisees with it's religious lie that we are worthless sinners. Either way, our soul becomes the victim and is the very thing that needs saving, by either release from prison or resurrection.

I am calling forth the 'little souls' from their basements to step into the light and allow all of heaven to smile on you... you are worthy, son/daughter! So worthy I AM.

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