Dr. R. Malone testifies before Texas senate health & human services committee on 28th of June 2022

2 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone testifies before the Texas Senate Testimony, Health and Human Services Committee, "Lessons Learned on Pandemic Response" June 27, 2022. Senator Lois Kolkhorst, Chair.

Original Video Excerpt:

Full Meeting (10 Hours, 37 Minutes):

Testimony and Remarks, Pandemic Response
By Robert Malone
June 27, 2022

My name is Robert Wallace Malone. I am a physician licensed in Maryland and a graduate of University of California Davis, UC San Diego and University of Maryland School of Medicine. I have attached my biography and CV to save a bit of time. I've spent my career working in the field of medicine and vaccine technology. I was an original inventor of core mRNA and DNA vaccination technology (1989), and am a specialist in clinical research, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, project management, proposal management (large grants and contracts), vaccines and biodefense.

This includes writing, developing, reviewing and managing vaccine, bio-threat and biologics clinical trials and clinical development strategies.

I'm here today to talk about policies related to vaccines and early treatment for SARS-CoV-2 throughout the various surges and my thoughts and recommendations for future public health events...

Read full report here:

Source: https://odysee.com/@BackToTheLight:7/dr.robert-malone-testifies-before-texas-senate-health-amp-human-services-committee-mediarebell-(1):6

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