Food Is Spiritual

2 years ago

You can’t eat crap and expect breakthroughs and miracles in your life.

It’s true.

Everything is energy and energy is EVERYTHING.

And…How you live your life is your spiritual practice. No exceptions.It’s also how you MANIFEST.

You attract who you are (what you vibrate). Food is energy (either high or low vibrating).

And…The more you increase your frequency (with high vibrating foods), the more you attract that which matches it. It’s been true since the beginning of time!

I think (too often) people lose hope because they try to do too much at one time—thinking a complete overhaul is what will deliver results quickly. Nope. It’s been my experience that an overhaul gets you into overwhelm and then you quit. I’m not perfect (no one is). But if you can get the BULK of what you do to count more consistently and positively toward improvement (in every area of your life)—you can experience a lifetime of multiple miracles. 💕

What’s ONE THING you can add to your life consistently that is an improvement?

More water intake?

More fruits and veggies?

More home cooking?

More gardening?

Start with a practical practice.
Pick ONE THING and turn it into a habit you can’t live without. Once it becomes a part of your lifestyle (a no-brainer you no longer have to think about)—add another positive improvement.

You’ll love the feeling of health.You’ll love your intuitive expansion.You’ll love your clarity of mind.You’ll love your ability to make quick decisions.

Yep!Food directly influences your spiritual awakening.

Explore, Expand, Enjoy!


P.S. The excuse that it’s “too expensive” to eat healthy is bogus. When you stop buying crap, you have money for healthier options. When you learn to cook from scratch, you save money buying less packaged chemicals (sauces, mixes, canned soups, sodas, sports, drinks, dressings, etc…). It takes effort. Anything worthwhile takes effort. That’s also been true since the beginning of time.

Stay tuned…

I’ll be sharing tips and recipes and much more with you in the days to come…

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