Gangs of America gang stalkers murderers

3 years ago

This group of 150 worthless people should definitely look up the word slander assist in terrorist and treason human rights civil rights American race war crimes crimes against Mandy crimes in for government crimes in the military not just for the United States of America for every other country and continent in the world besides Antarctica also all the evidence they deleted as long as the detective and investigation team is thorough and talks to the people that they need to talk to you about stuff they don’t need evidence you’ve destroyed because it’s out there it’s everywhere and you still have it hidden because the
Holly chicks got copies of everything details details details. Once again you should be written proof of how many times I tell these people they have no right and no authorization they do not have my permission to record to sell to broadcast anything about me my body my family or my surroundings on my work or my life as I told them mini mini mini years ago and they also have no right to stock me break into my home my car my head or anybody else’s they are the most worthless Connor is lying thieves in the world and also make sure that they are checked in very very very very thoroughly further light best as well as their transparency/ translucency well some say “cloaking” ability. For sure this information and technology was stolen from somebody somewhere they did not come up with it nor is it there’s to be using I’m sure but they have the ability to back and every data bank and database and computer system and everything everywhere as well as any information in peoples heads which is what they are doing to everybody everywhere and complaining into a great big brain so to speak everybody’s information all in one central location that’s been compiled automatically get out early so my night is sort of there so I can put all the top-secret information they can in order to use it or sell it.For whatever reason Vic has a question for me and I don’t know who Nick is at the bars and encourage you guys like to try the show we are a big group of people raping the hell out of me and other people that we discussed a US PS seriously if you want to talk to me to man up face-to-face stop stocking people on Facebook and the rest of the world cat fishing people making them hook up with you you went in to hook up with treating everybody in the world like a puppet whether they know it or not which is most of them do not you’re just a piece of shit frog Hitler was better than you he should’ve more respect for mankind and you do, and he has hurt, manipulated and corrupted far less .

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