Dog that fly & dog's show thieir jumping #short

2 years ago

German shepherds are large and active dogs that are highly intelligent and loyal companions. They require thoughtful care and consistent training in order to live long and happy lives. German shepherds need to be fed and housed properly, in addition to requiring regular health care and exercise. With some effort and care, your German shepherd can live a long and happy life and will be a steady companion for you for years to come.

Make sure your German shepherd is getting proper nutrition. Since German shepherds are large, active dogs and are known to have hips that give out, it's important to make sure they have good nutrition throughout their lives. Make sure to buy healthy food that is not full of filler ingredients. For example, make sure you are feeding a quality food that contains animal protein and doesn't use corn for protein.
You can feed your German shepherd dry or wet food, or a combination of both.
If you choose to feed your German shepherd homemade meals, it's important to talk to your veterinarian about what they need to include. This will help ensure that the dog will get a balanced diet.
Try to resist giving your dog table scraps, especially if it is begging for them. People food can be unhealthy for the dog and can impact its interest in its healthy food.[1]

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