ITN17cc (read the description)

3 years ago

naturally, the scary parts started right after the phone ran out of room 😣 M's sister called but we couldn't answer, M got upset because The Ten Commandments only comes on 1x a year, asks J if he "would (have to) be such a pain in the butt", J says "you tell me"
D comes back (we wonder if he's going to bring back 4 meals or just 1) and says he saw a man in the restaurant with 6 kids, (before J can get his food) asks if J would want more brothers and sisters (saying less chores except cooking) J says house only fits 4 people and really only (me) because I'm short (completely/conveniently disregarding top shelves, which have been weaponized) D says J will have to move out since he doesn't fit

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