Cobra vs Puff Adder - Snake bite

2 years ago

Check out the video on my channel of the Puff adder after the bite from the Cape Cobra. There you will see that the Puff adder was bitten even before we came across the battle.

Cape Cobra biting a Puff adder. Video taken by me while bowhunting in Murraysburg area, Karoo, South Africa. My cousin (Thys Pienaar) and I was busy walking in a dry river bed when we ran into this once in a lifetime sight, we stayed for about five minutes after the Cape Cobra bit the Puff adder.

I confronted the Cape Cobra, but it was too quick in the brush. The Puff adder was very slow and it seemed like it was bit before as well.

Shot with a Canon Powershot.

Thanks for watching.

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