SpaceTime with Stuart Gary S25E71 | Dead star caught ripping up its planetary system | Podcast

1 year ago

SpaceTime Series 25 Episode 71
*Dead star caught ripping up its planetary system
Astronomers have been given a sobering glimpse of the ultimate fate of planet Earth as they watched a Sun like star at the end of its life rip its planetary system apart.
*New evidence on long standing water on ancient Mars
A new study suggests that Mars may have retained a significant amount of water until far more recently than previously thought.
*Russian space debris threatens space station
Crew aboard the International Space Station have been forced to take evasive action to avoid a piece of Russian space junk created by Moscow’s latest anti-satellite missile test.
*The Science Report
Claims the Omicron variant appears to be less likely to cause long covid than Delta.
New study claims multivitamins and dietary supplements are a waste of money.
The origins of copper revealed.
Alex on Tech: new virtual reality training systems to help surgeons.
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