እግዚኦ!...ያአላህ!...What the...! ሁሉ ያስብላል።

4 years ago

~~The Assassination of The Engineer #ሰማኽኝ_በለው of...The Down Down struggle of Activists #DownDown_አስቴር_አወቀ:: ~~Because the Governor of the Afar regional state #ቴዲ_አፋር is bothe.
~~The two Economist መሃመድ #ሲርጋጋ & መሃሙድ #አህመድ was given the warning for government.
~~The government of country like #እስራኤል_ዳንሳ, አሜሪካ_ጊቢ & #ግብጦ_አረቄ please give the warning for Ethiopian government.
~~Our heroine Activist ጂጂ_ሽባሻው is in Asylum.The #free_ዘሪቱ movment is on the go because she said "እንዳይገለኝ"። " ለምን ልሙት?"
~~The so called the killer " #ተስፋዬ_ካሣ & ክበበው_ገዳ" Stop killing our people በሣቅ።
Never mind ok!
~~እንዲህ አይነት ትግል ነው የገጠመን #ወዳጅ_ዘመድ። እና ፖለቲከኛ ለምን እንዳልሆንኩ ገባችሁ? ከነዚህ አይነት ሰዎች ጋር ተደምሬ ፖለቲከኛ ከምባል አልቆባቸው ሲያቆሙ ያኔ አስብበታለሁ። አበስኩ ገበርኩ

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