This is the worst generation ever!!!

2 years ago

America and every nation has gone from being so good to so woke but America is the worst nation ever full of selfish bratty entitled people!! America started out as a place where immigrants fled to from Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Norway, England, dutch, French, the colonist's believerd in God and fought so America could be free from English rule!! Then the civil war came around and many prayed before going into battle, Lee and many others were Christians!! Then the 1960 came and the pot smoking gay rainbow hippies came around and hated God, the Bible and still here in America today, now America has removed God from all the churches, schools, homes and government and cater to the gays lesbians trans rainbow clowns, the abortion murderers lovers, illegals from third world trash countries, blacks loot all the time, kids are not taught anything ever, churches do not care about anyone but themselves and never teach from the Bible because it offends everyone, America government is so wicked and full of rich dumb fools!! America is so woke and disgusting now, you can't say anything or someone will cry hate speech!! The Chinese communists are taking over the world, every country hates America!! Biden and his clowns are just puppets for China!! America is worse then Sodom and Gomorrah and will suffer God wrath very very hard and all the wretched people left behind in America will be dead or killed by the Chinese, Russians or taken to prison camps, America is not blessed but cursed and this is the worst generation ever!!!!

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