Signs he's secretly in love with you - Read Him Like A Book

3 years ago

For more on how to read him:

24 Signs He's Secretly In Love With You

Wouldn't it be great if there were secret signals that a guy likes you? Are there signs he's secretly in love with you?

Well, the answer to that question is yes. No secret there.

And I'm going to cover some of those secret signs here for you.

The guy you're curious about might be working with you, or you're friends, or even the barista at your favorite coffee shop. Whatever the situation is, there are signs that guys give off that they are in love with you. All you have to do is know what to look for.

And the truth of the matter is that it's always so easy for us to tell if someone we know is in love with a friend. But when it comes to us figuring out if someone loves us, it's always difficult. Or we just have our doubts...

One of the best ways to figure this out is of course body language signals. The reason that body language is so reliable is that it's how we express our emotions without even knowing it.

For example, do you know that you store your emotions in your body?

In the actual cells of your body?

Scientists have known this for many many years, and it's been proven by science. You may have even known someone with extreme emotional problems who was always suffering from some kind of disease or chronic ailment.

The reason that disease shows up like this is because of the emotional issues they're struggling with. This relationship between emotions and wellness is documented and proven by science.

So it only stands to reason that his interest in you will appear in his body language. We'll look at both the body signals he gives you that he's in love with you as well as the BEHAVIOR signals that he's falling in love.

Before You Go Looking For Signs He's In Love With You...
However, before you go looking for signs that he is in love with you, ask yourself this important question:

Why are you looking for signs from him?

The truth of the matter is that, YES - you should look for some signs of interest from him. And don't give up too much of your game early on by showing him how much YOU are into him.

But very often what I see out there is women who are really trying to avoid being vulnerable. The whole reason she's looking for signs is because she's deathly afraid of being rejected.

She wants to be absolutely sure before she shows any hint that she might like him. Which is really a self-protecting stance.

Most of us have been taught from an early age to play it safe. Maybe it was our parents, maybe it was our childhood, but somehow we let this idea fester in our brain that if we take a risk, we could "lose it all."

And that's one of the most dangerous lies we tell ourselves.

Now of course, the idea that we could lose it all is extreme. But that's how our mind and our anxieties ramp up the hidden meaning behind rejection. We blow it completely out of proportion.

Ask yourself:

Are you afraid to start conversations?
Are you afraid to reveal your true thoughts?
Are you afraid people will reject you?
Are you afraid you're not enough?
All of these are normal fears for most people. But they don't have to be there at all!

"No one can reject you without your permission..." - Carlos Cavallo
When you realize you cannot be truly "rejected" without your permission - you will stop fearing this irrational outcome.

In fact, the fear of rejection actually traces its way back through evolutionary psychology. People feared rejection because it usually meant they were cast out of the tribe.

So just keep in mind that when you hold yourself back into a position of looking for signs and signals rather than acting, you are embracing your fearful state.

Be willing to step up and be vulnerable. You don't have to lose yourself or compromise yourself. But if you want to connect with a man in this day and age you're going to have to do better than women in the past.

Now let's take a look at Signs He's Secretly In Love With You:

SIGN #1: He's Johnny on the spot...
When a guy shows up when he says he will and where he says he will, there's a good chance he's really interested in you.

It all comes down to consideration and motivation.

You can read somebody's level of respect for you in how they treat you. It's not in their words, because anybody can say any words. (and most will...)

For the rest - Be sure to watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Signs he's secretly in love with you -

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