Russia's MoD June 29th Daily Special Military Operation Status Update!

2 years ago

⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine ( June 29, 2022)

▫️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

▪️ The enemy suffers considerable losses.

▫️ 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) suffered considerable losses during the offensive near the Lisichansk oil refinery. According to captured servicemen from this brigade, 108th Battalion has been completely defeated. Only 30 from 350 servicemen remain in this unit.

▪️ 115th Mechanised, 79th Air Assault and 25th Airborne brigade of the AFU that operate towards Lisichansk suffer a critical situation in grocery supply. There are a lot of cases of abandoning positions and desertion due to starving.

💥 Attack launched by Russian artillery near Pitomnik (Kharkov region) has resulted in the elimination of up to 100 militants from Kraken Nazi group and about 10 units of combat equipment. Commanders of the militants have decided to abandon the positions and to withdraw the rest of this unit to Kharkov.

▫️ Russian Federation Armed Forces continue launching attacks at military facilities located in Ukraine.

💥 High-precision attacks launched by Russian Aerospace Forces have resulted in the elimination of 4 command posts, including those of Kharkov-1 and Kharkov-2 Territorial Defence battalions near Kharkov, as well as a training base of mercenaries deployed near Nikolayev.

▪️ The neutralised targets include: AFU manpower and military equipment in 32 areas, 1 AFU equipment reparation base near Lisichansk, 8 armament and munitions depots near Shevchenkovo (Kherson region), Spornoye (Donetsk People's Republic, Nikolayev and Ochakovo (Nikolayev region), as well as 1 fuel depot near Kulbakino (Nikolayev region).

💥 Within the counter-battery warfare, high-precision armament of Russian Aerospace Forces have neutralised 2 Ukrainian Grad multiple rocket-launching system (MRLS) plattoons near Kalinov, Aleksandrovo-Kalinovsk, as well as 2 artillery plattoons near Avdeyevka that had been shelling the settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic.

✈️💥 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised: 39 command posts, 6 munitions depots, artillery and mortar units in 68 areas, including a unit of French CAESAR self-propelled howitzers at Kubansky island, as well as manpower and military equipment in 216 areas.

✈️💥 Operational-tactical aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces have shot down 1 MiG-29 airplane of Ukrainian Air Force near Bashtanki, Nikolayev region.

▪️ In addition, 1 self-propelled launching system of Buk-M1 air defence system near Troitskoye (Odessa region).

💥 Russian air defence means have shot down 2 Su-25 airplanes near Kurulka (Kharkov region), Kvitnevoye (Kherson region) and 1 Mi-8 helicopter of Ukrainian Air Forces near Arkhangelskoye (Nikolayev region).

▪️ 9 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down near Vesyoloye, Ilyichyovka, Shestakovo, Pitomnik, Liptsy, Ternovaya, Sulinovka (Kharkov region), Tomina Balka (Kherson region), Stakhanov and Kantemirovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

💥 7 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles have been intercepted near Peski-Radkovskiye, Kapitolovka, Chervoniy Oskol (Kharkov region), Tyaginka, Novokondakovo (Kherson region) and 8 projectiles launched by a MRLS near Kamenka, Brazhkovka (Kharkov region), Krymki, Novosyolovka, Yarovaka (Donetsk People's Republic) and over Snake Island.

📊 In total, 221 airplanes and 134 helicopters, 1,391 unmanned aerial vehicles, 351 air defence missile systems, 3,853 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 692 combat vehicles equipped with multiple rocket-launching systems, 3,052 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 3,907 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

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