14 Honest and Sincere Questions for Doctors and Scientists about HCQ and Covid-19

4 years ago

I would love honest, sincere answers to these questions. I welcome a moderated live streamed debate with any and all who wish to engage in that. I also offer you the ability to be on my podcast as a guest to explain where I have this wrong if you prefer to do that.

1. Did you know the recommended dose of HCQ for Covid patients is 400mg day one, 200 for four days, then stop?

2. Did you know the recommended protocol for covid treatment is supposed to include zinc?

3. Did you know not a single published study so far included supplemental zinc?

4. Why has zinc not been included in these studies?

5. Why are we ignoring that HCQ is a long known ionophore for zinc and that zinc inside our cells slows viral replication when that science behind this is decades old?

6. Why have many of these studies intentionally over dosed patients, the most recent one by 4X the therapeutic dose? Some as high as 8x and some that far exceeded the 5-day duration of treatment?

7. Is the intentional overdosing of a patient ethical in these instances?

8. Did you know the preventative does of HCQ is one 200mg dose every 14 days, and daily zinc? Can you explain how this is in any way risky to the average person?

9. How was HCQ considered one of the safest mediations we have for over 60 years and yet it is now often stated that it should only be used in a hospital?

10. Did you know that HCQ is an over the counter substance in many nations?

11. Why are doctors citing studies about dangerous side effects related to HCQ when all of those studies were based on extremely long duration use, elevated doses and more often than not both? Specifically given the treatment protocol for CoVid is a small dose over 5 days?

12. Why is the character of every doctor that speaks positively about HCQ personally attacked and silenced rather than simply countered with facts, logic and reason?

13. Why have we not had a rigorous public debate by informed individuals on both sides of this? Isn't that how science is supposed to work?

14. Why does every argument against HCQ invoke Donald Trump? Does Trump opinion have anything to do with a drugs actions and the science behind it?

References for some of the above.

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread (2005 study) - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/

Recent study claiming HCQ did not work but clearly states patients were give 800mg a day, a clear overdose of the medication. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2019014

One of the most cited medical researchers on the planet saying HCQ is a valid treatment for Cov-SARs-2 https://www.newsweek.com/key-defeating-covid-19-already-exists-we-need-start-using-it-opinion-1519535

Every study so far done on HCQ for CoVid please find me one that included zinc is you can. https://c19study.com/

If you would like to be a guest on my show and are a medical or scientific professional just fill out my guest form and I will bump someone to get you on asap. If I am wrong please come explain it to my 250,000 daily listeners, I promise a fair and polite interview. http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/guest-submission

If you would prefer to debate me in a live streaming debate just email me at jackspirko@gmail.com with tspc in the subject line and let me know. I am happy to do that with anyone regardless of their level of credentials.

If you know someone who claims HCQ does not work who is a doctor or medical researcher please refer them to this video. Again, my invitation is open to any and all.

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