Panic Away - End Anxiety and Panic Attacks

1 year ago

Almost everyone’s first panic attack is triggered by an unusual bodily sensation. Anxiety related bodily sensations usually arise out of the blue and trigger intense confusion and fear. Common bodily sensations people report a pounding heart, tightness of chest or throat, shortness of breath, a dizzy spell, and pins and needles. Whatever the sensation, it is alarming you and you react with fear as you dread something bad is about to happen to your body. “You might wonder, is this a heart attack?

Check some answers and causes in the following link:

If you continue to overreact with fear and confusion to the sensations you feel, your the body’s fight or flight response mechanism is switched on. This is the biological mechanism that is designed to keep you safe from real threats like being chased by a lion. It is the mix ture of this biological mechanism with your not knowing what is happening to you, that triggers a FULL BLOWN panic attack.

This Is Where Your Problem Lies, read below:

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