PFREI Series Episode 51: Fernando Angelucci

3 years ago

Would you like to learn more about self-storage real estate? Are you looking for a recession-resilient asset class to add to your portfolio? Did we mention that your turn-over time in self-storage can be as low as 30 minutes?

In today’s episode of Passion for Real Estate Investments, Fernando Angelucci, Senior managing partner of Titan Wealth Group, shares his experiences from living a 9-to-5 life to purchasing and investing in self-storage facilities full-time. His strong will and work ethic were fuelled by seeing the hard work his immigrant parents were doing, and he was determined to achieve financial freedom without taking 50 years to do so. At the age of 16, he picked up the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.

His journey has been upward ever since.

By the age of 19, Fernando had started his first business. In 2013, he graduated with an Ag-Bio Engineering Degree from the University of Illinois, and then went on to work at a Fortune 50 company while investing in single-family homes on the side. At age 23, he left his 9-to-5, and started investing in single and multi-family properties full-time. A year later, he was purchasing value-add self-storage facilities, and within 2 years he was building ground-up class-A self-storage facilities. Today, at the age of 28, Fernando is able to give back through his love of teaching others to be successful in the self-storage real estate business.

When is a good time to invest in self-storage? How did Fernando increase the value of his first property by over half a million within 18 months, without doing any physical improvements on the property? How difficult is it to find the right lender?

Fernando tells us about his losses, challenges, and his many wins. He gives us the statistics, compares self-storage to other real estate asset classes, and he tells you what other people don’t tell you when you buy your first rental property. Today, we learn what Fernando thinks about adaptive reuse, and how he’s able to save 20-30% on costs when acquiring a new facility.

If you’re interested to learn more about self-storage real estate investing, or you just want Fernando’s cell number, you definitely want to listen to this episode.

Highlights from the interview:
* By the age of 28, he has owned multiple businesses, worked at a Fortune 50 company, graduated with an Ag-Bio Engineering Degree, and he is the senior managing partner of the Titan Wealth Group.
* The turn-over time for self-storage real estate can be as low as 30 minutes.
* Self-storage is recession-resilient.
* Fernando was able to increase the value of his first property by $600,000 without doing anything physical to the property.
* You can save up to 30% on costs with adaptive reuse.
* Fernando gives out his cell number.

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