Emf broadcast remote neural rape kidnappers and more

4 years ago

Prisoner of gang stalkers, being held hostage in life, #POW, Columbus, Mark (OTE) blue cabinets, remote controlled cars trucks, drones planes, calling you out on the trafficking, stalking, murdering rape slavery , fraud and the whole ball of wax... black mailing and threatening people. Wasn’t there VERY similar things going on in 2006? Then applyaloe.com, and now look at it.. you guys have proceeded to doing this not only across the US but to people worldwid! Gang stalking 1,000’s and your district, I mean your group of live-streaming remote neural mind raping broadcasting yourselves out via EMF TRANSMISSINGS and MITM cyber attacks... wowAnd you get paid to do it the money you stealing the money you’re making the real estate fraud all the fraud you guys keep meaning to close all the stealing and theft and human trafficking and slavery and your illegal sex videos and everything else.. ohh treason and terrorism.

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