Gene Petty | Ultimate Video Orchestra | SM Backing Tracks

4 years ago

THE ULTIMATE VIDEO ORCHESTRA Produced and Directed by Gene Petty
in collaboration with SM Backing Tracks.

This is the second under the "Ultimate Video Orchestra" label or brand.
SM Backing Tracks wants to see some titles so I might call this one "Harmonium" but maybe "Harmonious" or "Harmony Among Us" ...but these are all basically improvisation.
The backing track is not always there because I was in the middle of something else when I heard this track. I thought to incorporate it into what I was working on.
The foundation of 2 chords is laid down by the SM track and Gene Petty gradually moves away into an autonomy of 3 chords. In closing it reverts back to the original.
The drawing is a copy of a work of Oscar Kokoshka.

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