Discerning valuable relay switches from epoxy-encased foil capacitors

2 years ago

Another little vid with an easy way to tell these common caps from the nice relay switches on old circuit boards.

Relay switches are GREAT for silver and gold recovery, since the precious metal is conveniently concentrated on the contact buttons. Also good for copper. The coil is usually easy to pop out and the steel rod removed with pliers.

Now, if you have the proper testing equipment, and can remove them intact, the foil capacitors can be potentially valuable. Some of those ARE desirable for resale... but you have to be able to test their capacitance. They can degrade from heavy use, so no one will buy them if you can't confirm they still work well. They're not valuable enough to go out and buy all the equipment for that if you don't already have it. But if you have it already, you can make a few bucks apiece on those caps.

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