Dr. Peter McCullough on COVID Truth

2 years ago

Doug talks to Dr. Peter McCullough, leader in COVID-19 research and response.

Doug Truax: Welcome to the First Right podcast. A weekly conservative news show brought to you by Restoration PAC. I'm your host, Doug Truax, founder, and president of Restoration PAC. Today, we are blessed again to have one of the most important voices in America when it comes to COVID-19. He's Dr. Peter McCullough, a deeply credentialed doctor who has been telling Americans most of what they are hearing in the mainstream media about COVID is wrong. He has a new book out that outlines the massive failures, the medical tech and media establishments in America when it comes to COVID-19 doctor. Welcome back!

Dr. Peter McCullough: Thank you.

Doug Truax: All right. Well, thanks so much for coming back on. So since we last had you on, you've been out there continuing to tell the truth, and you've been putting your, your thoughts and some of your findings in a new book. So tell us about the book.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Yeah. I'm pleased to announce a new book. It's already hit number one in three different categories on Amazon. I partnered up with true crime author and bestselling author. John leake. The title of the book is the Courage to face COVID-19 preventing hospitalizations and deaths while battling the bio-pharmaceutical complex.

Doug Truax: So, so what have you found that, you know, since we last talked, we talked a lot about the Rogan interview and everything going viral and things like that. So in addition to what we talked about last time about the establishment, is there any, anything surprising? I want to get the vaccines for kids and babies in a minute, but anything surprising that we're going to find in, in this, in this latest update on what you've been finding out there?

Dr. Peter McCullough: No, we've, we're into third, three years of presenting data to Americans. And, you know, there are probably 250,000 peer reviewed papers on the infection. What the book does, it's written as a very readable fun narrative. It's the genre of non-fiction true crime. And it is the story about the discovery of the treatment of the illness, how myself and others worked in collaboration, both together, many groups separately, we conversed on the same ideas that the condition was treatable and how the shock that was felt when we realized that our must trusted government and pharmaceutical entities were actively blocking early treatment. They were actually prolonging the pandemic. They were actually causing suffering fear, hospitalization, and death. It's just such a shocking revelation. Who's involved. Why did the white house contact me? Why, why did I get called to the us Senate? How did I set all records on Joe Rogan?
For instance, why did all this happen? And how can we fit this into an understandable story? The book is 309 pages, 45 chapters. You can actually read it within about a two to three hour period of time. It's fun. The chapters, what are the, the most eye catching chapter titles is one on Cuomo, sexuals. And that's the story of Andrew and Chris Cuomo. How did they fall from grace? How was this related to the pandemic? Remember Como had won an Emmy award for his briefings. It's all in the book. And so I encourage everybody to pick up a copy and, and, you know, be sure to give us review and feedback, but it's already a seller. And the reason is because there's very few books on COVID and none of them are written as an understandable story.

Doug Truax: Right? Well, thank you for doing that. And I think this goes to people are looking for the larger story of what actually happened, because there were so many pieces of this and we had John last and we got to the end and I said, you know, is anybody going to be held accountable? And you went into this, you know, your opinion that you thought that 95% of the deaths could have been avoided and we could avoided millions of hospitalizations. And I think that that is where a lot of us have been thinking, okay, this doesn't, this whole thing just seems out of whack and off. And, and so for you to put this all in one place, I think that's probably the biggest. I hear you talk about it. It feels like that's probably going to be the biggest value is it sets the larger, I don't use the word narrative anymore because the left is hijack that it sets, it sets the larger picture of the, of the story that that's happened. Right?

Dr. Peter McCullough: It's true. You know, everything in there is sighted. It's all part of history. We can't go back. It finishes as I'm giving my speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to a huge crowd about, about basically constitutional rights and our liberal democracy and what John leakes remarks remarks about is, is isn't it interesting in the context of a pandemic and pandemic response, it's a doctor who's advocating for personal autonomy and medical freedom. It's a doctor that's reminding Americans that what's at stake is our constitutional rights and our liberal democracy.

Doug Truax: That's right. You could have safety or you can have freedom, but you can't necessarily have them both depending on the situation. Right. So, so what's your life been like in, in recent months? How about inherit about some professional and media censorship? So what's going on there?

Dr. Peter McCullough: Yeah. I can tell you what I've experienced over time is I've become one of the most frequent media guests in the entire world. And the more intense the efforts are to try to sensor my analysis and my opinions, the louder, my megaphone gets it's completely backfiring. It's a, a type of, it's a where if I had nothing to say, or I was completely unimportant, there wouldn't be any more invitations. In fact, the largest thing I've done, I'm getting ready to go back for the fourth time now is day star. They started the largest Christian broadcasting network in the world by a mile. They are about 200 million paid subscribers, about three people per a subscription, watched the show. That's 600 million people per show and they run reruns. So that's about 1.7 billion people that are reached. I mean, that blows away Joe Rogan or CNN or MSNBC, all the major media combined.
And so, so the, the message out to the people is, is very clear on pandemic response. We have a treatable illness. The virus has mutated to become far less, virilant. Patients are getting through the illness. Now there's some high-risk people that we need to treat and that our big approach with this mass mandated program in the United States, partially genetic products, they not only have not worked, but in fact, they are grossly unsafe. The world council for health, June 11th, 2022 is clear. They did a pharmacovigilance report and they said, pull them off the market. They're not safe as long overdue, pull them off the market.

Doug Truax: Yeah. Speaking of things that seem to not make sense and still get pushed. So we're now in this phase of vaccinations for children and babies. And, and it, you know, before, before I throw my opinion and what's the science behind this and where do you, where do you think this, where we should go with this side of it?

Dr. Peter McCullough: No, the CDC told America that in February 75% of children had already had the illness. They've already had it. We had a presentation on Monday, June 27th, 2022. And the leader of the school of public health in Texas at Houston said that 99% of all Texans had already had antibodies now to the SARS cov two. So it was clear. It's basically over with the children have already been through it. And Dr. Ryan Cole has just presented down in a conference in Brazil and he announced there hasn't been a single childhood death with the Omicron Berrien, not a single one. So what we know is the vaccines are not clinically indicated are not medically necessary. However, they have been tested in children. And we know from the registrational trials, age 12 to 17 and five to 11 by Frank and, and respectively that the children had no clinical benefit from taking one of these, that there was no reductions in hospitalizations and does no reductions in spread or spread to family or teacher.
And that the product's made patients sicker with fever, body aches, chills. Then they would be just the illness themselves. So it clearly was a bad idea to do this. Now in children aged six to a five years old, six months to five years old, they had absolutely no impact whatsoever. They tried to use arises of antibodies to claim a biologic effect. We know in a paper by housing colleagues in MMWR, December 31st, 2021 issue, the grossly unsafe in children, even the families were reporting this through the be safe system. The children were becoming incapacitated. Couldn't go to school afterwards were very sick. And I was alarmed to see in the data table for children, five to 11, actually evidence of heart damage elevations in cardiac troponin, which the FDA agrees that the products cause heart damage on my Twitter feed right now is a paper just was released from Berlin using cardiac biopsies, showing with a, that genetic products, but as well with AstraZeneca Johnson and Johnson.
And it happens with they had no viral products as well. That in fact, there's myocarditis, spike protein is found in the heart. And then a really scary features was called giant cells. Giant cells actually predict cardiac death. So we have a terrible situation where these products are grossly unsafe. They are not needed. In fact, there are now two real-world studies where they were tried ages five to 11 and 12 to 17, adorable Willa and Fleming dotra published in JAMA showing no clinical benefit of vaccine efficacy was far less than 50% notice on this podcast, how I easily cite the literature and that the government health authorities on any interview failed to cite any literature. They simply presume safe and effective and try to propel this propaganda campaign towards a massive administration.

Doug Truax: Yeah, it's, it's just, it's a terrible, terrible thing. It doesn't, it not only does it not hurt, it's not, not help people, it's hurting people and it was, they're still getting pushed. And I just, I can't, I can't believe I just want all parents out there to wake up to this and you know, common sense tells us this thing is over. So why would we keep going through this? And I think we're living in an age now, I just keep hearing all these strange deaths and people dying suddenly. And, but the media doesn't cover it. So, you know, maybe that's another book that you're going to, you know, part two of your book, a second book for you later on, but you know, conceding the point that the, you know, establishment manipulated the at-large population in this country over this last period of time, we've been in w what's your opinion of, of, of it happening again? Are we more or less susceptible to being manipulated in the future? Now that we've gone through this?

Dr. Peter McCullough: I think we're more susceptible. What's been diagnosed for the population by professor Mateus does a Desmond into your mercy. Again in Belgium, a is mass formation, mass formation psychosis. And we believe a large fraction of Americans are in mass formation, which is essentially a form of brainwashing through propaganda PSYOP. If you will, there's been a prolonged period of isolation. Things taken away from them with that. They enjoyed constant free floating anxiety. And then they've been offered a solution from entities of authority. They've been told to take it without exception, without exception, not to question it. So even as the FDA has safety warnings on it saying it causes heart damage causes blood clots, neurologic damage, people are told without exception, they must take it or lose their job, lose their military career. You know, the, these are basically examples of absurdity. No one can take a product against their will.
No one can have a pill shoved down their throat, a needle put in their arm. And, and, and everyone knows that not everybody can take the same pill or injection that each, each person is uniquely different. And what we're learning now is tragic, but there are mass numbers of deaths in the world council for health pharmaco, vigilance report, 40,000 deaths. If we combine the CDC verus system, yellow card system, the uja system and the who Vichie safe system, and that's a gross underestimate, a paper from Columbia pentose autos and Seligman, they estimate through December that has been potentially 187,000 Americans that have lost their lives. And as evidence that they're in mass formation is that there's no outrage. You know, one of the first public deaths was Hank Aaron, you know, retired baseball players in great shape, comes out, has a press release, takes one of these.
And he's dead within a couple of weeks. And the deaths continue to occur. One after another, we've had football players, all kinds of public figures who have died. People in the press, mass number of athletes overseas. There's no outrage. We know now in a paper by Gillan colleagues from Connecticut, two boys died at home on days three and four, after the second shot of the Pfizer common Natty vaccine, they had autopsies, the families were outraged and they were found to have fatal myocarditis by, by examination of the cardiac tissue.

Doug Truax: It's, it's the craziest thing. And it is that mass formation and you know, you, and some others brought that to everybody's attention. And that made a lot of sense. And I guess it's gonna, you know, it's the question becomes, how long does it go on? At what point do people say, okay, enough, we got to start talking about this. I mean, do you have a sense for that? Because you talk about more people are, are coming out of it, hopefully, but is it years? Is it ever, you know,

Dr. Peter McCullough: Well, let's talk about proportions and the New York times, about a month ago, front page, they had a story based on semester that 35% of Americans are not going to take one of these, or they're not going to take a booster. Our CDC says that 18% of people I've never taken them. That's me. I tell you the smartest decision I ever made was not to take one of these. Yeah. But so 18% are not taking it. 17% have taken one, but they're not taking a booster. That's 35% of the country. That's a third of the country that is basically awake. They have a sense of something is going wrong. Two thirds of the country, doesn't probably a middle Third is, is starting to see things go bad as loved ones, die, become injured. But then there's a third that are fully entranced in this they're fully engaged.
One of the best examples is Anderson Cooper was recently interviewing bill gates. Anderson took three. Bill gates took four. They both get the illness. They get through it. It's a mild illness now for virtually everyone and Anderson Cooper asked bill gates for medical advice. You know, not being a doctor, but gates, you know, predictably gives his response because he's a stakeholder in this. And he thinks about it. And he says, well, we've already had the illness. We should keep taking more, more of these. Let's just keep taking more. Remember each time, if someone takes a shot, these are lipid nanoparticles that are loaded with the genetic code for the spike protein, which was manipulated in a bio-security lab. And Wu China, the spike protein itself has been shown to be fatal to the human body. So everybody taking this is taking basically a Russian roulette with Chinese genetic code for this lethal protein is just a matter of, did you get enough of the good stuff?
Did it get delivered in strategic place? Did you produce it, but enough of it to damage an organ or actually kill the person outright? It's a Russian roulette with each one of these that are given. It's an, it has a dangerous mechanism of action internally and externally consistent large signal. Even in randomized trials, there were more people who died than were saved. This fulfills all the Bradford hill criteria for causality. So, you know, at this point in time, again, there's global calls to get these off the market. I think everybody should pay attention. I testified in the Texas Senate on the 27th of June, and I told, listen to centers. I said, listen, your job is to pay attention. They asked me, they asked me a tough question, Dr. McCullough, how come the CDC, NIH are not doing anything about it. And you know, I thought about it. And at the time I didn't have the right words, but the words I'll tell you on this podcast is that they are willfully blind. And I tell you the best example of this is under court order. Pfizer had to release their documents. Pfizer knew about 1,223 deaths that occurred within 90 days of their product. They should have shut it down. After about 50 deathss, no more. And the lawyer for the FDA. And they represented the FDA. They didn't want to release that for 55 years. That is prima fascia evidence of willful blindness. The FDA did not want America to know that they knew that Pfizer's vaccine was resulting in large numbers of people dying.

Doug Truax: It's tragic. And we have the situation where Pfizer's not liable. You know, they, they got this, they are able to pump this thing out and they got no liability on the other end of this. And I just want us to go forward and figure out we need to follow the money on this thing. There's just so much, it's just crazy. I, I can't, I can't believe we were at this place, but we are people like you are speaking truth. Thankfully, I asked you on the last show, the last question. So today where we are with things, just, what's your advice to somebody who's thinking, you know, I'm still vulnerable to this thing is still floating around a little bit. What should I do? You know how what's, what's the procedure I should go through with my doctor? What should I get ready for?

Dr. Peter McCullough: I think every patient ought to visit their doctor and ask them if the doctor recommends a vaccine. And if the doctor says, yes, the appropriate patient responses that, that, you know, you don't think they're safe enough for, for yourself that you're concerned about safety. I think the doctors need to hear a patient concern regarding safety and the doctors need to hear a clear answer on deferral. No, I respectfully decline these. The doctors need to hear that right now, patients aren't saying anything and they're running for the Hills and they need to confront their doctors. Say the first, the first thing that needs to happen, practical safety, the better than a vaccine is actually using virus, Seidel, nasal washes. We now have 12 clinical studies, three randomized trials take dilute. Povidone iodine, dilute hydrogen peroxide or commercial products like Kofax immune mist clear. There's a variety of products and actually use them after one's been out and potentially exposed to individuals if they work great.
And these nasal washes probably twice a day for prevention for high risk patients. I go through this with all my patients during active treatment, we increase them to every four hours. They're they're enormously important. The treatments for the illness are wonderful monoclonal antibodies, working great nutraceuticals and supplements. Hydroxy, chloroquine, ivermectin. We have Paxil avoid Malone appear severe. We have doxycycline, azithromycin inhale, Buddhist tonight, oral prednisone, oral aspirin, anticoagulants the drugs work in combination about four to six drugs. And we run them hard for the first few days. And we get through illness, even nursing home patients. We get through the illness very easily. Now I commented on Fox news this week with Laura Ingram about our director of the national allergy and immunology branch. You know, he's in his eighties, he took four of these shots. He gets COVID and he takes PEX avoid reportedly alone, which is not the right thing to do.
Remember people who've taken the vaccines. They were excluded from the PEX avoid trial. So he's already not following the science. He's off, he's off the indications from the inclusion criteria in the trial, but he takes it and then it gets better. And then he rebounds. It gets much worse as called PEX, avoid rebound. And on the 24th of May, the CDC issued a health advisory. We've actually never had any health advisories on our other drugs. We use in the protocol. And then the health advisory to CDC, cited papers from Gupta Charnas and Carlin showing that in those who are fully vaccinated, Paxil, Boyd doesn't work very well and patients get a rebound. And so I commented that he should go on to community standard of care, community scanners, acquires using hydroxychloroquine ivermectin and other drugs. In combination. When I testified in the Texas Senate, I, I, you know, reeducated the Texas Senate that the community standard of care can be defined as one doctor in a community who stepped up as in a challenge to treat an illness.
And that's common for other illnesses where it takes specialty types of expertise. So a community standard of care has been established. We use drugs in combination packs avoid is okay. It looks like we're finding so weaknesses on rebound. I saw a patient like that in my office yesterday and had to convert to a hydroxychloroquine for a prolonged course. But the bottom line is the messages. We can treat this illness. The vaccines are not sufficiently safe. They clearly are ineffective and don't work. And there's not the, they're not that they're not worth any type of risk for any more of these injections. People, every six months have a chance to get back on track and get their body healthy. I hope they make the right choice.

Doug Truax: Yeah, me too. And that is such great advice to everybody to, I want everybody to hear everything that you just said and do the common sense thing. And you know, I want everybody to read your book too. I definitely am going to read that. I want all of our viewers to read it as well. And I have the sense that you're not letting this go. You're going to keep following this and see where it leads you because the truth needs to be out there because that's the only thing that will eventually set us free. And I appreciate your courage and your intellect and all your boldness. We, we need this more in America nowadays. So thank you for all that you've done.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Thank you.

Doug Truax: All right. That's our show for today. Thank you so much for tuning in and for supporting conservative media. Don't ever forget that by working together and staying diligent, we conservatives can bring our country back to true greatness until next week. Let's all keep praying that God will continue to bless America

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