2 of 2 the female covert/vulnerable narcisisist

1 year ago

2 of 2 the female covert/vulnerable narcisisist.

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There are several high profile cases where such behaviour, personality disorder, wickedness can be directly observed.

Will Smith's acting out at the Oscars was a direct result of the narcisisistic abuse he suffers at the hands of Jada.

The trial between #johnnydepp and #amberheard perfectly showcasing many characteristics of a female covert narc.

They use their feminine form to lure their unwitting victims in...

Obviously not ALL women. Women are in my opinion, the most wonderful things upon this earth... And to be loved by a true woman the greatest gift a man can experience...

But such 'women' who have embraced the darkness and allowed their life giving positive energetic core to become inverted and life stealing... They are something else entirely. Something that acts from malice, something that lies even to itself...

Genuine narcisism infects our societies and systems... Men and women suffer horribly often losing everything because of such abuse that often paints the true victim as the monster or even drives them to taking their own life..

To protect yourself is actually two fold.

1/ Yes we need to educate ourselves on the topic, research and become an expert. Two of my favourite channels on YouTube are "fully alive again" and "exposing the narcisisist"...

2/ we need to proactively engage with our own healing journey and uncover old wounds and heal them....

#narcisism #covertnarcisism #vulnerable narcisisim #truemen #truewomen #truth #spirituality #ourforgottenbirthright #survivor #rewilding #truth

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