What are the possible post-castration complications?

2 years ago

What are the possible post-castration complications?
Although many professionals claim that castration is a relatively simple surgical procedure, post-castration complications can occur in varying degrees of seriousness.
Some complications of castration can be avoided by choosing a quality veterinary facility and the dog owner following the before and after surgery recommendations.
We talked with Dr. Juliana Sanz, veterinarian, about the main measures to ensure the success of the operation. She explains what are some of the possible post-castration complications in the dog and what to do in case of problems.
Although it is a simple procedure, it must be performed safely. For this, pre-operative care is essential. They start with the consultation with the surgeon, who evaluates the furry to request the most appropriate tests for him.
The castration of dogs and cats is a relatively simple and quite safe surgery. However, as Dr. Juliana explains, "as with any surgical or anesthetic procedure, it may involve some risk.
The preoperative exams guarantee a good anesthesia safety, once the kidney, liver and, mainly, the heart are evaluated regarding functions and anatomical structures.
"The castration may not be recommended when the pet has some pre-existing disease that brings risks to his health. In this case, first, the dog must be treated to undergo the procedure later", he warns.
If the pet is able to undergo the surgery, other essential precautions to reduce the complications of anesthesia are the water and food fasting. The time required varies according to the age and weight of the animal.
Still according to Dr. Juliana, another measure that contributes to avoid post-castration complications in bitches and males is to perform the surgical procedure with inhalation anesthesia. It is more modern and safer than injectable anesthetics.
"It is considered safer because it provides the pet with the necessary dose of anesthetic, according to the time and the individual's own variation," says the veterinarian. With the inhalation anesthesia, the return is faster.
The veterinarian completes, saying: "even, in case there is some intercurrence during the procedure, the team can interrupt at the same moment, increasing the chance of reversing the picture. With the injectable, this is impossible.
Fortunately, the intercurrences during the castration surgery are not very frequent, but the internal hemorrhage after the castration, the reactions to the anesthetic and the cardiorespiratory arrest can happen.
The most common complications right after surgery are those related to malaise caused by anesthesia. Even using inhalation anesthesia, some pets may experience lack of appetite, cravings, and vomiting.
Pain and stitch inflammation are post-castration complications that can also occur as part of the surgical and healing process. Therefore, it is important to administer the prescribed medications correctly.
Persistent inflammation of the stitches can occur when the animal licks the surgical wound. To avoid this, the Elizabethan collar or surgical dressing is indicated and should be worn.
"Signs that something may have gone wrong in the procedure are changes in the patient's temperature, vomiting, spots on the abdomen, and bleeding. In case of any sign or doubt, the ideal is to look for a veterinarian," says Dr. Juliana.
In females, both canine and feline, the castration surgery is more complex than in males, because it is necessary to enter the abdomen to perform the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus. With this, they have no more estrus or bleeding.
In males, on the other hand, the surgery is simpler. In their castration, the testicles, which are located in the scrotum, are surgically removed. Therefore, for the surgical access, it is not necessary to open the animal's abdomen.
An estimated 20% of medium to large sized females may develop post-castration urinary incontinence, mainly at night. The most accepted cause is the abrupt drop in estrogens, as pets treated with estrogen analogues become continent again.

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