Stage 3 of of Planetary Ascension: The Catalyst

4 years ago

Stage 3: The Catalyst
-In the next few weeks, information and events will come into the awareness of the global collective that will shake and shudder the foundations of society. This information will reveal a huge level of corruption and cause a lot of chaos within the Earth experience.

More riots. More protests. Humanity is about to ROAR! It is incredibly important at this time to ground into our Presence and Love so that we can wade through the waters of this emotional storm and guide people back to the Source of their True Power.

With this phase comes the redirection of wealth and resources that will be beneficial to all of Life. With this phase comes the release of hidden technologies, particularly healing technologies. More and more will find the knowledge of self-healing and will learn to take their health into their own hands.

Ruing class elites will be held accountable for their actions. Much wil be kept out of sight but trust that the divine justice is coming and is being served.

August-October-HUGE UNREST. Conscious breathing practices, resting, stay out of the social media mess, and connect with your True Nature. The military presence will likely become more prevalent. This is not something to be afraid of.

November will be unlike any previous election years. Possibly new legislation. Our world will look VERY different by the end of January 2021.

Earth changes are next! These are being managed by various levels of intelligence. We are encouraged to gather in love and create a REVOLUTION OF JOY!

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