Interview with a Daemon

2 years ago

A quote from the Hollywood film "The Golden Compass" (2007):

"If we can protect our children from the corrupting influence of Dust before their Daemons settle, then we will nurture a generation at peace with itself".

What you have just read is occult jargon derived form ancient Babylonian magic - in particular the mystery schools which call for the alchemical union of the male and the female, in order to achieve the state of divine androgyny and become one with God (or should I say Lucifer?).

In layman's terms, it can be translated as: "If we can protect our children from the corrupting influence of their natural gender before the onset of puberty, we will bring about harmony and balance to our future generations".

If you still have any second thoughts that the occult elite who rule this world have been planning for many decades to do away with gender altogether, and that this plot, pushed through the Freemasonic lodges and propagated by their transgendered puppets in the politics, sports, and entertainment industries, is nearing its fruition, this video will lay all your doubts to rest.

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