Caretaker Murder ?

1 year ago

just a quick story about a young lady who took advantage of a kind-hearted man and her position As a caretaker to medicate and kill a friend and then Rob him before calling anybody to report his death that lady's name is Jackie Cooper and she poses As a caretaker for people who are in need of medical attention or daily care she takes advantage of those with a kind heart and the most ruthless of ways and then when they pass away when their bodies not even cold yet she's loading her car with their property people like this need to be stopped people like this need severe consequences before law enforcement arrest them in order to prevent them from doing it again because it does no good just to arrest them and take them to jail all you're doing is giving them a vacation a vacation to rest get three meals a day shower they don't have to hustle to eat they don't have to hustle to pay their bills they don't have to hustle to survive in jail no they're kicking it with their homies they're kittens Us in wham whams on the state money that they draw from welfare criminals don't need jail criminals need to beat down and then jail and I bet you the crime rates will drop dramatically especially people like this witch that likes to rob people of their hard work but they put in all their life it's just sad that those people like that in this world and it's hard to believe but there is we have some of them running our country now and that's no lie they're one in the same evil thanks for listening I appreciate your likes and shares please get this word out to people that you know who may be looking for a caretaker do not hire a lady by the name of Jackie Cooper thank you have a good day..

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