The All-Time Greatest Butt Workout Moves | According to Trainers |

1 year ago

1. The Best Butt Exercises for Stronger Gluteal Muscles.

Public service announcement: Strengthening your glutes (yes, there are plenty of them) will not only improve your speed and explosive power but also prevent injuries to your lower back and knees. Additionally, any effective butt workout, whether done at home or in the gym, will focus on the gluteus maximus, sometimes known as the "glute max," the largest muscle in your body, allowing you to get the most out of your workout both during and after it.To maximize the effectiveness of your efforts, you should exercise all of your glutes as well as the remaining muscles in your posterior chain. These workouts achieve all of that and more. How you include this exercise in your butt workout (in the gym or at home) determines how well it works.

2. Barbell Hip Thrust.

With this glute workout from "The Glute Guy" Bret Contreras, M.A., C.S.C.S., author of Advanced Techniques in Glutei Maximi Adopting, get ready to work those glutes. A balanced workout should include a variety of's how :

A. Place a barbell with a pad attached in your lap while sitting on the ground with your back against a bench and your feet firmly planted in front of you. (No dumbbells) Instead, use one large dumbbell.)

B. While maintaining a strong lower back and stable knees, extend your hips and push through your heels to elevate the barbell. Be sure to lift the barbell with your glutes, not your back.

C. Extend your hips fully as you rise until your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, and then slowly lower yourself back to the ground.

3. Step-Up

A. Hold dumbbells at your sides with your arms straight. Place your right foot on a platform, such as a bench or step.

B. Push through the right heel and raise both feet up onto the platform.

C. Place your right foot on the ground first, then your left.

4. Curtsy Lunge

A. Place your feet hip distance apart. Then, while maintaining balance on the left foot, extend your right leg well behind your left leg and take a large stride back. Make sure your hips remain forward-facing.

B. Gently lower yourself until front thigh is parallel to floor and both knees are approximately 90 degrees bent.

C. Push through the left heel to go back to where you were.

5. Quadruped Hip Extension

A. Start on your hands and knees, placing your wrists squarely below your shoulders and your fingers pointing forward.

B. Lift the right leg to the sky while maintaining core stability to prevent back arches (keeping the knee bent). The foot should be bent so that the sole is facing up. By keeping shoulders and hips square to the floor throughout the entire exercise, you may prevent hip rotation. Finish the rep by going back to the beginning, then repeat.

6. Sprinter Lunge

A. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand tall. Step the left leg back into a reverse lunge, bending both legs as much as you can while keeping your back straight.

B. Hold for three counts at the bottom of this lunge stance, then explode up by pushing through the right heel and lifting the left knee.

7. Barre Kickback Pulse

A. Face a sturdy countertop, the back of a chair, or the barre. Grasp the barre with your right forearm and slant your knees slightly.

B. Lift the left leg behind the body while keeping the knees bent until the thigh is nearly parallel to the ground. To activate the glute medius as well as the glute maxima, externally rotate the hip slightly. Put left hand on hip and point toes.

C. To lengthen the time under tension, lift the bent left leg in short, 1-inch pulses while maintaining an elevated hip. Repeat after switching sides after one set.

8. Barbell Squat

A. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes slightly pointed out.

B. Starting from the hips and pressing through the heels to go back to the starting position while contracting the glutes at the top, lower butt down and back to the low point (thighs parallel to the ground is a fine objective, but don't feel compelled to go past there).

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