In this instructional video, a young female firefighter demonstrates how to put on safety gear.

2 years ago

This firefighter from South Wales is using her TikTok to give an insight into what she has to do in emergency situations.

Charlotte York, 22, works at South Wales Fire and Rescue station and shows her followers what she gets up to at work.

Charlotte said: "I wanted to educate the public about some of the behind-the-scenes stuff in the fire service, and encourage other females to have the confidence to apply for firefighting roles.

"I've had a really positive reaction, from people thanking me for taking the time to explain our kit, to others saying how great it is to see it from a female!

"This video is just one of many that I have planned to give the public as an insight into the fire service, and hopefully encourage more females into the role." she continued.

The clip shows the whole process of putting on the fire safety gear, including protective burn suits and a special breathing helmet custom made for Charlotte.


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