Bitcoin Magazine's Independence Day: Bitcoin In Prague

4 years ago

In this session from Bitcoin Magazine's Bitcoin Independence Day live stream, Jimmy Song and Alex Gladstein catch up Alena Vranova, their fellow co-author of The Little Bitcoin Book.

The group discussed the state of Bitcoin in Europe, including its obstacles to adoption and regulatory hurdles there.

0:00:00 0:00:57 Guest introductions and how COVID-19 is affecting daily life in Prague and surrounding areas
0:00:58 0:04:43 Encroaching authoritarianism throughout Europe
0:04:44 0:08:55 The impact of European anti-money laundering laws on Bitcoin adoption
0:08:56 0:10:45 Europeans using bitcoin as a store of value
0:10:46 0:13:17 How Bitcoin affects cryptocurrency regulation strategies in authoritarian nations
0:13:18 0:14:55 Hackers Congress 2020 (

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