Deadly Ambition: NYC Mayor Credits Teen Girlfriend's Abortion for His Political Success

2 years ago

Three men. Five topics. No holds barred. It's another Right Angle Lightning Round. Topics include...
--New York City's Mayor and Deputy Mayor credit their political success to timely abortions. Isn't it great that even a human life can't stand in the way of political ambition?
--COVID-19 is bad enough, so why would a bureaucrat lie to make it sound worse than it is when the real data is publicly published by other bureaucrats?
--Rep. Marci Kaptur, D-OH, a Member of Congress since 1983, goes after "people in Washington." Doh!
--ABC-15 reports that the Arizona state capitol complex is now surrounded by razor wire after two nights of 'mostly-peaceful protest' against the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision on abortion. If you build a barricade against it, how can you give peace a chance?
--Warren Buffet wants his $96 billion all spent within 10 years, mostly to help children around the world. Stephen Green is here to help the generous billionaire, and protect him from the irresponsible behavior of children.

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