WATCH: Clark County TODAY LIVE • Tuesday, August 4, 2020

4 years ago

WATCH: Primary election coverage ; An update on the Heights district; Clark County kicks off listening sessions on race ; Highway 99 gearing up for lane closures ; Woodland following suit with distance-learning ; Drive-by birthday filled with joy; The sport of Jugger. Find links to these stories here:

#ClarkCountyToday #ClarkCountyTodayLive #LocalNews #ClarkCountyWa #LiveBroadcast #PrimaryElection #Election #Vote #HeightsDistrict #VancouverWa #ClarkCountyCouncil #ListeningSessions #Racism #SystemicRacism #Highway99 #WoodlandWa #WoodlandSchoolDistrict #DistanceLearning #Schools #Students #DriveByBirthday #Jugger

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