The Homeschool Garden - Charlotte Mason Morning Time Curriculum

3 years ago

Learn more about The Homeschool Garden here:

Get your joyful mornings back!

Ever feel as if you’re spinning your homeschool wheels, trying to accomplish all the activities you dreamed about when you decided to homeschool, but finding instead that your day is railroaded by the proverbial tyranny of the urgent?

Or like you're so busy you don't have time to plan because you're struggling to homeschool consistently?

Perhaps you've been using the same curriculum for so long it has become tedious and you need something fresh and lovely?

I can help you get your joyful homeschool back!

We cover the riches that provide a delightful foundation for your students.
Music? Yes!
Geography? Absolutely!
Art projects and Picture Study? Of course!
Copywork and literature? Our speciality!
Poetry and Shakespeare? Yes, that too!
Even teatime? Yes. Even a peaceful, fun, enjoyable teatime.

I’m a homeschooling mom, just like you. And just like you, I was yearning for a faith-based feast of Truth, goodness, and beauty without all the planning stress. But how could that be possible?

I have learned, year by year, little by little, that when we gather as a family around our kitchen table and learn together, we can enjoy each other, gain knowledge, strengthen new skills, and we can do it all without stressing the joy out of me!

Join The Homeschool Garden and begin your delightful homeschool journey here:

***Where you can find me:***




***Partnership inquiries: please email***

Hi, y'all! I'm Lara. I’m so happy to meet you. Please grab a cuppa your favorite and sit a spell. I love a good chat with new friends. If you’d like to ask me something directly or just say hi, email me at

I’m a saved-by-grace encourager at heart, wife to a wonderful man, and the mama to two precious and precocious boys. I believe you are the gate-keeper, grace-giver, and cultivator of your home -a sacred space- and when you step into your God-given capacity you are capable of providing a delightful and life-giving education to your children.

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