Plants vs Zombies 2 - Thymed Event - Summer Nights - July 2022

1 year ago

The Springening was offered between June 30, 2022 to July 10, 2022. This Thymed event coincides with Independence Day celebrated in the United States.

These 15 levels are a celebration of this festival.

For the most part, these levels can be cleared with any reasonable strategy and nominally leveled plants.

Rather than do all 15 levels using the same strategy, I showcase a different one for each level - all of which can be done with just the core plants. So you can choose the strategy which best suits your play-style and available plants.

00:00 Level 1 - Peashooter + Torchwood
02:06 Level 2 - Cabbage-pult + Kernel-pult
03:55 Level 3 - Turkey-pult (one given)

05:37 Level 4 - Turkey-pult (given as choice) + Bloomerang
07:12 Level 5 - Phat Beet (given)
09:55 Level 6 - Rotobaga

12:32 Level 7 - Draftodil (one given and as choice) + Nuts + Spikes
14:51 Level 8 - Three (3) Draftodils given and one (1) Dandelion as well as a given choice
16:48 Level 9 - Shrinking Violet is given + Bonk Choy

20:36 Level 10 - Turkey-pult and Phat Beet are given
22:42 Level 11 - Gum-nut and Pea Vine are given + Primal Peashooter
24:30 Level 12 - Tumbleweed (given as choice) + five (5) Pea Vines on column 1 + Repeater

25:54 Level 13 - Five Electric Currants on column 4 + Banana Launcher
28:32 Level 14 - Ultomato and Blover given as choices. One (1) Ultomato on C3R3. Did not record. 😢️ Kept Sunny and Penny's talk though.
29:00 Level 15 - Hurrikale is given. Used Spore-shroom as main offensive plant. Not really recommended. 😜️

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