Understanding Energy - What You Focus On You Attract - Part 1

4 years ago

6/2/20 - "What you think about, you bring about". This is one of the major points of following a spiritual path and not being brought down into the muck of everything that is negative. Remove your focus from all things negative and which you are being triggered with, and set your personal views aside by turning off the news, the media outlets, ignoring those who want to push their opinions on you. Clean out your Facebook newsfeeds of anything triggering, fear based, pain based, depressing, etc. Replace it will all things positive, loving, happy, joyful, fun, etc. This way you train your mind and charge up your own energy to help support and heal your own body, mind, and spirit, verses being dragged down into the negativity and all things lower vibration where energies and entities reside that want to syphon your own life force live. Remove yourself from those places and bring up your energy by focusing on the positive aspects of life. Your thoughts are powerful and full of energy on their own. It is up to you to choose what to focus on and by focusing on it, you will bring it about in your own life by the power of attraction. Please stay safe everyone, and remember to train your brain to only focus on the good and positive (the silver lining in things that you are not able to fully shut out or ignore from your own life), so that you don't get dragged down and fall into a negative state of being and existence yourself. Bring yourself out of those states by tuning out of all social media and public media and get back out in nature. Nature is meant to heal and recalibrate our bodies and energy centers. Use it to help you to stay healthy and higher vibrational. You will feel so much better when you choose those aspects to see in the world rather tan the bad. "Light can not exist with out the dark, they are one and the same, cut from the same cloth, but different in their own right. Without one, there can not be the other. They must learn to live simultaneously and harmoniously side by side, in order for balance to be achieved. Without balance, there is chaos. Do not dwell in one or the other, but learn to live freely within both aspects, to honor your own spirit of creation."

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