Dr Kat Lindley Speaks to FDA Hearing - 06-28-2022

2 years ago

On June 28th the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee held an virtual "Open" meeting in open session to discuss whether and how the SARS-CoV-2 strain composition of COVID-19 vaccines should be modified. 

The event was intended to be one of those "under the radar" mundane procedural chores where they pretend to give an opportunity to those who want to speak about whatever it is they are there to rubber stamp. The standard operating procedure is one of "Nothing to see here folks, just going through the motions. These events however no longer pass utterly unnoticed. There are diligent people like Dr Katerina Lindley and organizations like the World Council for Health who will no longer allow them to move along their agendas unseen. They are being addressed in the light of day. On Tuesday Dr Lindley gave an address to the hearing,

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