Learning the Language of the Body

2 years ago


Watch the full conversation HERE 👉 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqi7WOALJLR1V-rfhl3oJEFGZx7-x9gZ9

👉 In this video we discuss the importance of sensitivity in order to perceive and decipher the language of our own body and what it is trying to convey to us. The capacity to feel and perceive what is happening to us and what to do about it is at the foundation of health and survival. But the paradigm of our modern world and its medical system has conditioned us to believe our body makes mistakes, and that our sensations are unreliable and wrong. No wonder most people live in fear and complete powerlessness in regards to their own health.

#health #medicine #modernmedicine


Asahd Anaami is a world class teacher, visionary, savvy entrepreneur and seasoned medicine man with 25 years of experience in the yogic and healing arts & sciences. He teaches men from all walks of life to create a life of integrity, aligned with their deepest values, ideals and aspirations, in service of others.


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