END OF GRACE- Rapture Signs-Go And Sin No More- Lust and Divorce & Remarriage Repentance 222 444 888

4 years ago

The rapture is imminent and Pre-Tribulation. So how to know that you know that you are going in the rapture and not left behind? How do you know who is a false prophet or false teacher or false pastor? Is someone who calls you to repentance a legalist or a Pharisee? I get accused all the time of being a Pharisee, but actually the Pharisees were the ones who said you could get divorced and remarried and were always against Jesus. New believers-here is how to get ready to go in the rapture. He could come at any moment, even this week!!! Don't be left behind.

"Go and sin no more." Jesus said it when He forgave the adulterous woman. We all are guilty of adultery since in Matthew 5 Jesus said lust is the same as adultery. From Ray Comfort's book, evangelism- Jesus In Red:
"Go and sin no more. This is the essence of repentance and this is the message of the cross the world needs to hear. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded. ..humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." James 4:8-10 When we are truly repentant and trust in Jesus alone, our sins are completely forgiven. Our hearts are purified.
The Bible says that there is no condemnation from God to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1-2). And as evidence of genuine repentance and faith in Jesus, by His GRACE, they sin no more. This does not mean that they will not fall into sin, but it does mean that they will not dive into it. How could this woman caught in the very act of adultery and so close to a terrible death ever go back into adultery? After shown such mercy, never. And how could we ever go back into sin after seeing the cross? Such a thought is loathsome. Soul Search- Have I truly seen the incredible sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for my sins? Can I carry the wonder of it with me daily and share it with others?

I carry Living Waters gospel tracts with me, got a Jesus mask with His names like Son of God, God, Redeemer, Lamb of God, and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit for who and when to share the gospel. The tag next to me after sharing at the grocery store- E IN 153. Believers know the 153.

Prophetic Dream- END OF GRACE- Saving Lives LLC- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9QxBExpvfY&lc=z22ajtihimmgylxspacdp43aubwzawbwwymaveas2cpw03c010c

Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! Repent or perish- Luke 13.
Scriptures: Job 31-42
Matthew 5
Galatians 5:19-25
Philippians 2
Isaiah 40

Songs: It Is Well With My Soul- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8HffdyLd0c&lc=UgzjNSQ4lOkvWMTbxu94AaABAg.9A8h7THtEnh9C96jEXIvMC
Father I Adore You- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9QxBExpvfY&lc=z22ajtihimmgylxspacdp43aubwzawbwwymaveas2cpw03c010c

412 Church beliefs- https://412church.org/beliefs

Defending the Pre-Tribulation Rapture-

http://www DOT educatingourworld DOT com/images/PDFs/Bible-Prophecy/the-pre-trib-rapture DOT pdf
This is a safe website that has a 197 page document about the pre-Trib rapture.

Divorce and Remarriage: A Call to Repentance- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5_dG422U_Y&t=1s

Testimony of Divorce and Restoration of Marriage- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJsJC_rcr5c&t=2s

My channel has lots of playlists on how to get saved and be born again and how to go in the rapture and why it is pre-Tribulation. Please comment to ask me any questions because I don't want anyone to be left behind.

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