NEVER FORGET: Brigitte Gabriel Urges Americans to ACT on September 11th, 20th Anniversary

2 years ago

The pain and suffering of 9-11 still haunts our country - as a civic reminder, and as a reason to excercise vigilance around the world. In NEVER FORGET, Brigitte Gabriel explains how we are still facing the consequences of Al Qaida's attack on America 15 years ago. With extraordinary courage and heartrending witness, Gabriel proves that what happened that day was no accident, but rather the direct result of years of planned deceit by radical Islamic extremists in America. She also shares her own inspiring story of surviving an attempted assassination by terrorists in her native Egypt; why 9-11 should be regarded as a turning point in history like Pearl Harbor was before it; what every American should be aware of with regards to its role in protecting freedom across the globe; why Americans have so little idea about what really happened on 9-11; how radical Islam can become a threat to humanity when governments don't confront it; and finally, what Americans can do today to prevent these tragedies from happening again

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