When God Gets Angry - Part 3 - Pastor Jason Henderson

4 years ago

Q. What Moves God To Anger?

See Part 1: When People Harden Their Hearts Toward Him (Mark 3: 1)

See Part 2: When People Allow Pride To Formulate In Their Hearts Towards Others (Mark 10:13-16)

Part 3: When People Use His Name For Their Own Profit And Gain (Mark 11:15-18)

Q. How many times did Jesus cleanse the Temple? Most people will say, “Once”

Matthew 21:12-13, Luke 19:45-46
Jesus actually cleansed the Temple Twice.

Once at the beginning of His Public Ministry and Once To End His Public Ministry.

John 2, 13-22

Jesus’ First Passover John 2
Jesus’ Second Passover John 6:4
Jesus’ Third Passover John 11:55
Jesus’ Fourth Passover Before His Dead, Burial and Resurrection.

Jesus celebrated Passover every year of His life in Jerusalem (1st time we see this was when He was 12.)

What makes this so impressive is that at the time of Jesus, It is estimated that 100,000 to 200,000 people lives in Jerusalem.

At passover it is estimated by Josephus that 1-2 million people came to Jerusalem for passover from all over the world.

There was an estimated 250,000 animal sacrifices that took place.

Money was made on the purchase of sacrificial animals. The ones people brought were never good enough.

Money was made on the exchanging of currency because the Temple would not take pagan money (exchange rate was 10-12%)

Money was made because all Jews must pay Temple Tax.

What This Looks Like Today:

1. People Who Lack Spiritual Authority Taking Over God’s House

2. Spiritual Leaders Adding To Salvation and Grace By Means of Buying and Selling

3. Churches and Ministries Looking To Burden Already Broken People

What Does This Mean To Us :

-God is desiring and expecting His House To Be A House Of Worship and Prayer

-God is desiring and expecting His Father’s House To Minister To Everyone

-God expects us believers to clean our house regularly

1 Peter 4:12-19

In Mark 11, Jesus had two acts that He displayed to show the spiritual condition of Israel:

He Cursed the fig tree (vv. 12-14, 20-26)

-The Fig Tree Is A Picture of the nation of Israel and their Spiritual Condition.
Cf. Jer. 8:13, Hos. 9:10, Nah. 3:12

-The Fig Tree Had Nothing But Leaves, No Fruit, Just Like Israel.

-The Lesson Being Taught:

FAILURE: Spiritual Failure Comes From The Roots Up. Matthew 3:10, 10Even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.

FAITH: Through prayer anything can happen. Never give up hope and always be dependent upon the Lord.

He Cleansed the Temple (vv. 15-18)

Why Did Jesus Become Angry?

1. He Vindicated the Holiness of God.

2. He Displayed His Holy Authority

3. He Revealed His Divine Mission


There Is No Place In The Church For Making Money Off Of Ministry.

There Is No Place In The Church For Moving People To More “Steps” To Find Favor With God.


Related content from Renewal Church:

Drive-In Church / When Anger Moves God’s People - Part 1: https://youtu.be/gNnNCnZ23rg

Drive-In Church / House Arrest - Part 1: https://youtu.be/0lyUqtNj2ts

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