EMAX TinyHawk2 LiveFly Highlights from July 26th

4 years ago

EMAX TinyHawk2 LiveFly on the tube with guest friends, this is from my DVR of the four packs I flew live.
Is the stream that it happened on. Also live flying was Drone Daze, Rigger Mortis and Rooland perhaps. I'll edit this probably, LOL. They all deserve a look see.
Thanks to "Back From The Sky" for being on the panel as well the other guests. Always a good time at the Asylum! I, the Flying Lunatic am the administrator of this facility and I thank you for being here.
The voice over of "Ahh here we go" is from Indigo Ryno,
The famous "Ut Oh" is from "Back From The Sky".

Music from the You Tube Library:
Destination Unknown and Trophy Wife.

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