X-WRIST TBP Smart Watch

2 years ago

X-WRIST TBP Smart Watch

More Info and Purchase: https://www.x-wrist.com/tbp-true-blood-pressure-smart-watch-airbag

Blog. https://marcoscucom.wordpress.com/2022/07/01/x-wrist-tbp-smart-watch/

I have been looking forward to receiving this watch very much after I tested and was impressed by the x-wrist tracker a few weeks ago. Have they been able to match the innovative hardware of the tracker but improve the few design and software glitches that beset it? The answer is yes and yes - sort of.

The watch has the look and premium feel of a high end device which belies the £149 price. It has hardware and features I have never seen before on any watch although in a few areas it could be better. Build quality is first rate and this watch does have a premium feel to it.

The 1.3" 240 x 240 pixel watch display is bright, clear, and unlike with the tracker is well designed and easy to read, although there is no always-on option and, indeed, no way of changing the default auto screen off time of around 5 seconds. It comes with a small number of displays built-in and swapping these over is quick and easy.

This is a health and not a sports orientated smartwatch - there is no GPS, not even connected GPS, and activity tracking is limited and not yet fully implemented. Activities can be started directly from the watch but not yet from the app, although there is a page which is supposed to do that. The range of activities available is limited and does not include walking, although badminton, curiously, is supported..

That said, the health monitoring features are unmatched - Heart Rate, Respiration, Blood Oxygen, Steps, distance, sleep, calories, food intake, and general fitness. These all work well but the sleep analysis is rather basic but gives you all the information most people will want. The various health parameters are monitored automatically every few minutes in the background but on demand readings can also be taken directly from the watch. Each section has a separate screen on the watch which shows a graph of recent readings, stay on the page and a spot reading will be taken and displayed. ECG readings can also be taken on demand.

The main innovation of this health watch is in Blood Pressure tracking. It does this in two ways, directly through the LEDs on the underside of the watch. but also with a small rubber cuff that physically connects to the watch and inflates to take the reading. It takes a while to get used to the cuff but once set up and working it gives the most accurate blood pressure readings I have ever had from a watch. The user can select which method to use for on-demand readings directly from the watch. It is advised to calibrate the watch using an external blood pressure monitor about once a month to obtain the most accurate readings and this can be done through the app settings.

The watch features all the usual messaging, phone and app notifications and interactions - although you cannot reply to messages from the watch. You can also control your phone's camera and music controls from the watch but I found these did not work on my Xiaomi phone.

The x-wrist app has been improved slightly, I think since I tried it with the tracker. As before the connection between the watch and phone is automatic, stable and fast and can also be initiated manually from the app. The app is very comprehensive, perhaps overly so, and can be confusing to use with some features repeated and others not working. A feature of the x-wrist ecosystem, and this takes up a large amount of the app, is the system of rewards and incentives which allows users to purchase training, health advice and other goodies through exercise and health management.

This watch has the look and feel of a premium device with a health monitoring feature set better than on any watch I have tried yet. The watch, one of three new watches launched by this new UK company, is a big advance on the tracker both in functionality and usability. The x-wrist app still needs some work doing on it as does the watch and both feel like they are in beta development. When this is sorted out x-wrist will have a first rate smartwatch with features unmatched for twice the price.

Music: YouTube Audio Library: Island Dream - Chris Haugen

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