#056 Where Is The Church In An Epidemic Of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria? -Further Every Day

1 year ago

First off, some will attempt to dismiss anyone and everyone who has not transitioned as not an authority on the issue. (This would be a variation on the appeal to authority fallacy.) So today we’ll attempt to primarily use non-Conservative, Transgender, and Detransitioner sources, in keeping with our general standard. However, if logical conclusions are obtainable in a conversation, then anyone with the facts can attempt to make sense of an issue. The Bible has all that we need, but we’ll go over plenty of other evidence as well.

When we covered body dysmorphia, a common refrain was Psalm 139:

Psalm 139:13-18
“For thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvellous are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, When I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; And in thy book all my members were written, Which in continuance were fashioned, When as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: When I awake, I am still with thee.”

With that in mind, there are plenty of folks who have not enjoyed the peace that comes with this. Helena Kerschner is a prime example of one such individual who suffered from such feelings who was led to believe that she would be best served by the Transgendered lifestyle. She is one of many individuals who Dr. Lisa Littman would categorize as a victim of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.

Dr. Littman caused a severe dust up a few years ago for merely suggesting that a significant amount of girls were affirmed erroneously online as transgender, and acted medically. This, however, led to detransitioning later on, but with the side effects of the cross-sex hormones. Statistics on this topic are hard to come by, due to the nature of the topic and affirmative care attitude of “health care professionals” involved. However, one case where informed consent is breached is one too many and there are many cases that meet the standard of not being given enough information for consent.

None of this is new, however. People like Walt Heyers have existed for years. People who go through the so-called transition and have the temerity to return to living as they once did in their biological gender. Heyers was prodded by his family members to identify as a girl when he was just starting to walk. This later culminated in a transition, detransition, and a life with the scars of the fake transition.

So where should the Church be in this? For starters, we need to be there for our youth. The only way LGBT can really reproduce is to co-opt our youth (barring medical intervention, but even then.) We need to be there for those who are struggling. This is not some law that we can pass. No amount of money can be donated or thrown at it. We need to invest in others’ lives, just as Christ does in ours.

We need also to sound the alarm of cases like Tulip R, Helen Kerschner, and Walt Heyers. There are many more who have spoken out, but I suspect even more do not for fear of retribution from the LGBT community. Christians need to be ready to welcome these folks back to reality with a stiff dose of truth, mixed with abundant love. If we are there with the uncompromised Gospel (make no mistake, sin is sin. but forgiveness is offered to everyone), then they can have hope for the future.


Megan Kelly Interview with Dr. Lisa Littman:



Graphic* Mutilation/Transition Surgery

What she wished she knew before transitioning.

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