True Face of Communism: Human Nature Argument

4 years ago

The true face of Communism is disastrous and here we have the human nature argument by @TheFinnishBolshevik who claims to understand human history. In his video, which you can find here:

He claims that capitalism defies human nature, yet completely ignores recorded history proving that throughout human history, every single given attempt at collectivism has been an abysmal failure. Prior to the industrial revolution, collectivism dominated the planet, lo and behold, life was miserable. Like I have pointed out in this video, their working hours were horrid, never let alone their pay.

The only thing I forgot to mention was that the only way the majority could accumulate wealth prior to the industrial revolution was through plundering via theft and violence. This explains the endless feuds and wars across world history prior to the industrial revolution.

I've mentioned before, people like @TheFinnishBolshevik take for granted what life was like. They live in this assumption that life was simply wonderful and then along came the industrial revolution factories that apparently came across them like a cloud of darkness and made their life worse. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Instead, the life expectancy, wages and material wealth of the people in the 1840s alone after the first industrial revolution was far greater than it had been prior to the industrial revolution.

You have to remember that before the industrial revolution there weren't those machines, you were forced to work with your hands. Life expectancy was abysmal, the average life expectancy of a child was the age of 9 and an adult the age of 40. There were periodical famines and people suffered from the common malnutrition diseases.

Despite all of this, however, even into the 20th century, we saw the true colours of collectivism as millions died of starvation and were brutally murdered. The remarkable part is, however, is the fallacious claim to state that capitalism developed to a "NEW" capitalism. Yeah, I suppose if you ignore the fact we live under a mixed economy which means there had to have been an introduction of more and more socialism into the economy, then of course he would state this, because it doesn't suit his agenda.

Socialism is THE most evil ideology to ever exist in human history and prior to the industrial revolution we saw people being burned at the stake or hung at the gallows for simply speaking their free mind, like the young boy Thomas Aikenhead. But apparently, individual self-interest did not exist according to him. The problem with that argument is, I'm Scottish, I was born and raised in a very historic country dating back 10,000 years that was Western Europe's poorest nation. I was born in a country that faced all those wars and strife.

Dating from Ancient Greece right up to the 1760s, the wages were dirt poor, living standards were that awful that if you were to teleport someone from Ancient Greece into the early 18th century, they wouldn't tell much of a difference.

However, despite this economic stagnation and EXTREMELY slow growth rate despite 2,000+ years of history, @TheFinnishBolshevik wishes to tell you how glorious collectivism was. If communism was so glorious to human nature, why on earth were countless millions trying to escape those very regimes? It's magical that despite the mass graves, the human catastrophe through their economic ignorance to what their government price controls caused that they then have the audacity to claim they are humanitarian.

As history has proven, socialism is anything but humanitarian, in fact, it's the direct opposite of that. One only needs to look at Venezuela during its oil boom in 2003, immediately following price controls followed the food shortage crisis. But trust communists to defy the study of economics, time and time again that has resulted in the deaths of countless millions.

The truly fantastic part is, however, they think they can then say to you, whilst not understanding a single thing about economics, that humanitarianism is more important than economics itself. Go tell that one to the North Korean people living in extreme poverty. Tell that one to the Zimbabwean people.

Welcome to the real world, people, where in a 65+ million populated country, each and every single individual all have different tastes, different needs and wants and countless many people just wish to go their own way and that is precisely what socialism defies. According to communists, however, they think people are just indoctrinated that way from birth. It was that belief and influence of Darwinism put into practice that resulted in the deaths of countless millions of people, now that is what we call recorded history.

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